Saturday, February 26, 2011

You know... I know my Emma is adorable and everything... and i mean i even still think she is truly precious when she's throwing a temper tantrum .. (sometimes anyways.....) 

But, I'm getting really tired of my nose being bashed in by her head. I don't really mind that she feels the need to whap her head on everything else...
It's her body.... she can react as she so chooses...
But, I'd really like my nose to still be all in one piece by the time she moves out of the house.
Three days in a row .... My nose is tired of the abuse.

I let her stay up as long as i could stand to last night. Usually bed time is a strict 8pm each night. It helps her not be so cranky. But i let her stay up until 10 last night... She did everything in her power to stay awake. That child was like the energizer bunny on caffeine. She could NOT  sit still for the life of her. Took no time for her to fall asleep though.

She has also started a new trick.... She won't say one, and i can hardly get her to say two.... but she LOOOVES saying.... "THA-WEEE"... I can't help but beam from ear to ear.

She's the smartest, most beautiful princess ever.... Oh course... I'm partial.... And totally allowed to be. :)

Well I guess it's that time... Time to go pic crazy. These are some older ones but still fav's of mine.

Man oh man how time sure does fly. I couldn't imagine a day without her though.
Honestly she's giving me the reason to wake up everyday and be somebody.
After losing my mom when i was 17 and after losing my first daughter ...
I felt like there was no point.
But she reminds me every day how important i am to her.
She needs me here.
To be her mother when necessary,
Her best friend when needed,
and her biggest fan for all of time.
Aim high my princess......
I can only imagine how truly far you will go!

Friday, February 25, 2011

What did you just say?!?!?

Well, Now that i have a little misses who is trying to learn to speak, we have fun in the oh-so fortunate turn of what she is saying that should be appropriate, ending up sounding nothing quite appropriate at all.

Today i have been trying to teach her to say "I DID IT!!" And she's been trying really hard. She just learned to climb onto the couch the other day and when she gets up... She will throw her hands in the air and say... "I DIE!!" Ah well, i know what she means. We're working on it.

But that's not the worst of it. She like pointing to things and saying "oooohhh see it?"...... Well it comes sounds more .... ok ...exactly like "ohhhh sh**" ... yea you get my jist. You can imagine the horrible looks i get as were going through a store and ever few seconds she pointing to something new and sayin... "Oooohhhh Sh**"

Yea not to many people find it funny. ME... well i know she's a kid and she has no idea that's what she is saying. Just just trying to see if i "see it"... So no harm, no foul to me really. I actually get a bit of a chuckle seeing people becoming so disturbed with what shes saying... Give it a break people .. she's 15 months on... not 15 years...

That and now that she's figuring out more and more words... random things come out of her mouth that i just haven't quite figured out what she's meaning.

The other day in the yard she poined to the sky and said what sounded like "dead babies"... Yea still haven't figured that one out yet.

She knows tons of words.... And she used to say duck.... but it always sounded like buck or butt.... But now.... It sounds like duck... but with the d.... replaced with an f. lol

I find it all comical really... and i think it's even funnier when it makes my MIL cringe. Lol.

I wonder what will be instore with this little mini-cute-genius of mine tomorrow. ;)

A free shoutout

So i buy all kinds of an assortment of snack for miss Emma. But i have come to find she doesn't too much care for yogurt. She's just not a yogurt kinda kid i guess.

Well i had bought some of these "Earth's Best Yogurt Rice Crisps Bars" and since i had figured out she didn't care for yogurt that sat up in the pantry for a while.

Then one night i was having an awful awful sugar craving. I saw them and i was like hmm well we will try it. It has a ton of good stuff in them, they are only 70 calories a bar, and they are organic. Worth a try right...?

I loooove them. 

Number one, they look like tiny bars, but they really take a really decent edge off hunger. I've actually started eating one a few hrs before dinner so i eat less at dinner time.

Number 2, they are delicious. Idk if anyone else is a vanilla fan like i am but this has the all around yumminess. I'm not typically someone who like granola bars, or anything of that such but this is made with whole grain brown rice. and vanilla yogurt. Its just like the perfect blend of everything!

Although Emma's daddy thinks i keep buying them every week for Emma really i found me a little peice of heaven in the baby food isle ;)

Hey, Earth's Best... If your seeing this... I wouldn't mind if you threw  a few of them boxes my way!! lol

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The worst mother award goes to.....


Isn't that fantastic?
Although i feel people should be more concerned with mothers like ... This crazy mother of the year

but lets recap the last 15 months of my daughters life and why i am the worst mother ever.

#1. When my daughter throws a temper tantrum.... I ignore her. I am not ok with giving her attention for behaving in such ways...

#2. I allowed my daughter, at 7 months old, eat a Popsicle!! Although i was standing right next to her the WHOLE time, the stick is a chocking hazard and she could have died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep that's her.

#3. I allow my child to have chocolate, and i have since a few months after she learned to chew!!!!

Yep, it's true!!

#4. I let her get as messy as imaginably possible every chance she can get!

#5. I utterly spoil her to no end.
We plan on buying her this outdoor play gym for her 1/2 birthday in a few months

Even though she has a TON of toys already.
Because you know.. it makes her SOOOO unhappy....

#6. I allow my daughter to watch 2 shows @ 1 hr of tv a day! Sesame street and sid the science kid!

#7. I put my child on a schedule. Her bedtime is 8 o'clock every night unless its Christmas eve and were visiting family. But not matter anything else. 8 pm every night. Isn't that horrible?!?!?
Oh and i also read her a book before shutting off the lights.... You know how that just makes her rely on me to much just to get to sleep right...

#8. I plan on moving my daughter to a toddler bed asap once i feel she can properly and safely get up and down from it. But in reality as everyone tells me no real mother would give their child that freedom. A real GOOD mother would keep their child caged up as long as possible.
# 9. I only breastfed my daughter for 4 months!!!!!
Now she's gonna grow up less capable right...

But yet her first word was a 6 mths of age.. and it wasn't just one word.... it was 2!!!!! Kitty cat!

#10. I'm constantly trying to teach my child something. People tell me i push her too hard. But i think she's pretty happy learning.

I'm sure i could continue with this but i only have a short period of me time during Emma's napping so maybe i will continue this tomorrow. 
Oh and a few more videos because i can't believe how far she's come...

Now it's shower time for this momma!

Motherhood ain't always a bed of roses

I have been told numerous times that i make out my journey through motherhood to be a bed of roses.
As though it's all smiles and giggles and nothing is never hard.
Well, if that is what i have made is seem...
let me correct myself...
Motherhood is hard. 

Motherhood was hard from the beginning and that is why i don't quite understand why all these teen girls are spreading their legs and starting their own circle of life.
I knew what i was getting into when i got preg. Emma was a planned pregnancy.
I've dealt with many a kids in my life to know exactly what i was getting into.

And yet, Yes i will admit it, there have still been times i wanted to run away.

*GASP* How could a mother ever use such words.

It's true. I'm not gonna lie. Life with a kid ain't lollipops and suckers here.
For the first 3 1/2 mths of Emma's life, I got 1 hr sleep in a 24 hr period. 2 hrs if i was lucky.
She was colicky and all she did.... cry, cry, and cry some more.
If you have ever been around a crying baby that cries from up to 22-23 hrs a day... you'd wanna run away too. No matter how much love you have for that child and no matter how much of a mother you wanted to be.

Some days, even now, after the 30th temper tantrum i have to ignore and after the 500th time of telling her to NOT do something .... Yea ... running away to a beach with some fine hunks sounds really nice. 

I still love my job. I still wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I have the right to day dream.
Because my husband is the bread maker for this family, and i'm the sahm .. I'm the bad cop.
Although i get to enjoy all the good times too.. I'm the one who has to say "No, stop it, LISTEN TO ME!"

So, if you are a 16 yr old out there... who thinks they are mature enough to spread their legs, then be prepared to be mature enough to deal with the good and the bad.

I am a 22 yr old. To many... That is young.... But maturity wise i know... deep down inside... i could rank with many 50 yr olds of today! 

I get bad looks and mean comments a plenty. But i have to brush those off.

Last week, i was shopping and Emma decided she wanted to throw a fit... why?
Because momma wasn't gonna buy her the hokey pokey dancing Elmo doll.
I told her no, and kept walking...
what happened after was fate...

She threw the biggest fit...
I ignored it because i'm not gonna give her attention for acting out.
This woman walks up to me and says, "with the way you are unable to handle your child, i really hope you never choose to reproduce again."

... all i could do is laugh. If you have never had a child, i get it, you don't understand... But if you have... then you know kids are gonna throw temper tantrums...
That's why they are called kids and not adults... Hell i even know some adults that still do it.

but back to what i was saying....

Please don't go spreading your legs and simply breeding just because you think carrying a 1 mth old in your arms is cute. It's a life long decision and its sick seeing teens getting preg because they want an accessory.
Because you'll be toting around not only a 1 mth old, but spit up and pooey diapers too.

Think before you sink. 
We all know the saying,
"Time flies when we're having fun."
But where does it really go so quickly?

I am feeling the need for things to slow down a bit. 
If feel like just last week i walked out of the hospital with my princess.

In reality, she turned 15 months old on Tuesday this week!
Where the HECK does time go.
Although i wouldn't turn back the hand of time for anything.

No, she isn't as small and quite as cuddle as she once was but,
she is truly becoming her own person.
I see more and more of her personality with each passing day. 
I get distracted with not doing my own daily stuff just because i get hooked.
I fall into a trance like state and i could just sit there and watch her for hours.

I know, every mother feels this way about their child.
But to just sit there and think...
In 15 months time, she went from an itty bitty 5 lbs baby who could only cry, couldn't hold her head up, and was colicky to a now, walking, talking (kinda lol) person of her own.

Time sure flies when your having fun. 
Dang it.