Saturday, March 26, 2011

What the HELL are you thinking?

So, I guess i'm in a ranting mood. I've been looking up dresses for my daughter to wear for Easter.... And then i decided to look up toddler shoes to match. Some of what i found is sickening to say the least and made me decide to do some more research.

Within the gobs of choices to choose from in TODDLER sized shoes... many shoes such as these...
appeared before my eyes. Are you kidding me. So then i started looking through things to see if this is what is really happening.... Is the new thing to try to make our kids grow up before their time?
This is what i found....

I found there is a show called toddlers and tiaras. From what i've seen it's been around for a while. The parents happily primp and prime their little babies to look like...

A child should have all right to be a child. A child should not be worrying about make up. A child should be only worried that by the end of the day their clothes are filthy and they are wore out for that truly is the only way to know a child had fun. Are we really ok with stealing the innocence from our babies, stealing the fun years? Why do we want them to grow up so quickly?

So i began to dig deeper. The deeper i dug... the more disgusted i became.

Here is a picture of some CHILDREN'S Halloween costumes...

If that isn't disturbing enough.... How about these swimsuits made for children...

I dont want my child thinking she has to be barely covered to swim. Idk maybe i'm the only one with this anger towards all this. 

How about this article....

About a mother making her child have botox and wax treatments to be able to "ensure" the child is a "superstar" when she grows up?

How about in my opinion you will be creating a mental unstable child...
Have you seen "superstars" lately?

Charlie Sheen may think he's "winning" but i happen to disagree big time. He's slowly killing himself and trying to promote it as though it's cool... or as he calls it.... "Winning".

So many stars out there getting caught up with drugs, the wrong people, crime. You really want to prep your child for that?

The closest my child will be to playing dress up.... is

when i find her dressing up in my clothes.

And i will always continue to prompt and promote her to have as much kid fun as humanly possible. Especially if it means.... Being coated with fun....

And yes i will let her have her crazy bed head and walk around with pj pants on her head because really.... a 1yr olds pj pants work best when placed there.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Mother's Motions: Maybe the world really IS coming to the end. I hav...

A Mother's Motions: Maybe the world really IS coming to the end. I hav...: "So, Compared to my husbands usual-ness.....He is being beyond heaven to me.Number on when we woke up sat... i was being.. well ... lets say..."

Maybe the world really IS coming to the end. I have PROOF!!!

So, Compared to my husbands usual-ness.....He is being beyond heaven to me.
Number on when we woke up sat... i was being.. well ... lets say... to put it nicely... a witch. I had a headache from hell and wasn't in the mood. If he looked at me and i didnt want him to... he heard it.

Well ne ways then i was like "i want you to take emma and leave because i just want a few mins".I just needed some peace and quiet.
At first he was like "why would i take her with me if i have you hear to watch her?"But then he got the death stare from me. And he knew if he didnt wanna be castrated he had better just go along with it.
So, he went with Emma, i got about 20 min to myself.. he came back with my fav....
(the fatties pie) he knows its my fav but he hates it so we never buy it. And he got stuff to make recess smoothies ( i think its dawning the time i shall start leakin from my twat because ive been craving sweets like no body;s mother.)
Well then last night was the first NIGHT in emma's toddler bed. He slept through everything which means i on turn ended up with only 3 hrs sleep.
So today he was like i'll be back later. Take a nap. He took emma .. i got a nice hot shower (i woke up feelin like id been hit by a mac truck) and got in an almost 2 1/2 hr nap. Ohhh it felt so goood.
And to top it off... He's running two cities away right now to get me some chipotle. I loooove me some chipotle.

Idk where the "not usually this caring" husband i had ... went... but he can stay gone. I'm loving this change.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Having a baby... changes well.. almost everything

Although I'm not a fan of calling it out, It's true. And I'm not too cowardly to admit it.

My boobs aren't quite as high, my hips a a bit wider, and i streach marks to remind me of the bowling ball i carried out in front of me. My hip now tend to pop outta place from time to time and Although i've lost the weight i still have a pooch where my belly is. I have circles under my eyes and i def. don't have the energy level that i used to.

But... for all the things that i don't have (or have extra of) I'd never trade it for my daughter. She's was well worth it all.

One thing i wouldn't mind though... Is if my child would set her internal alarm clock back to at least 8 am. Here for the past month or so she wakes up at 6:30am....Yawnnnn

I even let her stay up until 10 pm the other night hoping i could get a day of a little extra sleep...
Nope... like clock work she was up, 6:30... right on the dot.

This sat. I am switching her crib to the toddler bed conversion. My MIL thinks i'm being dumb about it and that i should trap her in her crib for as long as possible...
the thing is ... i don't give a dern what my MIL thinks.

My opinion is that she is getting closer and closer to her terrible two tantrums..(if it gets worse than it is now.. im in for it) and i don't want to fight those and switching beds, all at the same time. Also, i feel very secure that she can safely get up and down from things. So, My plan of attack is to switch it over first thing sat. morning....That way, after breakfast, she can have plenty of time learning to get up and down from it.

This is what it looks like as a crib..
And this...

Is what it looks like as the toddler bed. I like that it has rails at both ends because she never sleeps the same way from night to night. 

These are the sheets we bought for it..

we also have a backyardagains set but i looove this one because it matches her room....
This is her room, well right after we had moved into the house, so excuse the mess..

and she loooves animals, so that works for me.

I think she will love it. She LOVES doing big people things. I also already have a potty for her. People think i'm crazy for that too. Yea, right now she can't "know" to go but she loves sitting on it when i go to the bathroom... So it's a learning process. And if it's teaching her then i'm willing to do it.

I can't wait until summer. I have a little water child. Were gonna get this really neat sprinkler thing i found that looks something like..
 and were gonna hopefully get a pool like this where there's room we can get in with her but not all that deep. Just something fun.
But what i'm most excited about is...
although that one is 2k... we found one at our local costco that is half that and basically the same thing so with our plans we should be able to have it here and set up within the next month and a half!! which means she has a great majority of the good weather season to enjoy it!! Sooo excited. I'm sure she is going to love it.

Well, it is time for me to hop in the shower.
Happy momma days readers!